ISO 27001 Consulting

 Elevate Your Information Security Standards

ISO 27001: This isn’t just about a certification badge—it’s about putting in place a rigorous Information Security Management System. 

From crafting bespoke solutions to rigorous risk assessments and robust security controls, we've guided organizations in safeguarding their valuable information assets.

Welcome to SimpleInfoSec's ISO 27001 Consulting services, where we go beyond mere compliance to empower your organization with a robust and dynamic information security management system. Our seasoned consultants are dedicated to simplifying the implementation of ISO 27001, ensuring that your information assets are fortified against evolving cyber threats. 

Our Approach:

1. Strategic Alignment:

2. Customized Implementation:

3. Continuous Improvement:

Description of Our Services

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Have a look on The Certification Process Steps

Do you Have questions about ISO 27001 certification? We've got answers! Schedule your no-obligation call to learn how you can achieve ISO 27001 certification efficiently and cost-effectively. 

Cybersecurity and data protection standards Ecosystem

The International Standards for Management Systems family of standards provides a model to follow in setting up and operating a management system. This model incorporates state of the art features of which experts in the field have reached consensus as representing the international best practice.

Through the use of the Information security management systems family of standards organizations can develop and implement a framework for managing information security, cybersecurity and data protection controls.


Are you considered compliance or certification?

To achieve ISO 27001 compliance or certification, you’ll need an Information Security Management System or ISMS. There are many different ways of creating one.ISO 27001 compliance is about implementing and adhering to the requirements of the standard, while ISO 27001 certification is a formal process of assessing and verifying an organization's compliance with the standard by an independent third-party certification body.To create a successful ISMS, you’ll need to balance people, knowledge, and technology. We make that easy with our simplified, secure, sustainable implementation Methodology and Templates. It speeds up ISO 27001 implementation and simplifies ongoing ISMS management.One of the key features of ISO 27001 is that it is risk-based. The implementation of controls (technical measures, policies, processes, etc.) is not prescriptive but is determined by an information risk assessment taking into account your risk appetite and the information you are seeking to protect.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for information security management. It provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an information security management system (ISMS). This helps businesses protect their sensitive information and manage risks effectively.

What is an ISMS?

An ISMS, or Information Security Management System, is a set of policies, procedures, and controls designed to manage an organization’s information security risks. It encompasses the people, processes, and technology involved in protecting and securing sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

Why do startups need ISO 27001?

How long does it take to prepare for an ISO certification?
The time required to prepare for an ISO certification depends on various factors such as the organization’s size, complexity, existing security measures, and level of readiness. Typically, the preparation process can take several months to a year. It involves conducting a risk assessment, implementing security controls, documenting policies and procedures, and performing internal audits. With our methodology, SMEs need a maximum of 6 months cloud-native, with standard complexity and around 50 employees.

How does the pricing work?

All contracts run for 12 months. You can pay monthly or upfront for one year. Additional consultation can be requested and offered. The regular consultation hour is charged 185€/h. The monthly packages are price optimized and calculated based on the complexity and size of your company. 

How much does an ISO 27001 certification cost?

The initial audit consists of stage 1 (document and readiness check) and stage 2 (main assessment) audit which is split up into two phases. After the audit a report is created and you pay a fee for the certificate license. After the initial audit and certification, a surveillance audit is conducted annually which is shorter in duration and cheaper. After a three-year period, you start with the so-called recertification audit.

The costs of certification mainly depend on the number of people (FTE) working in the scope of the ISMS, the complexity of the organizations’ processes, as well as their IT landscape, and the industry. Note that these pricing ranges are approximate and can vary based. To provide you with an accurate quote, it is needed to gather more details about your requirements.

SimpleInfoSec: Where Compliance Meets Competence