The Strategy 

aligned with (NIST CSF v.2) and (27001)

In response to the evolving challenges in our digital landscape, our organization recognizes the need for a robust, flexible, and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. This program strategy amalgamates the strengths of both the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and ISO 27001, creating a security infrastructure that is not only resilient but also adaptable to our organizational needs.

This framework encompasses six primary functions, integrating the best elements from NIST CSF and ISO 27001:

These functions are:

The Breakdown 

Purpose: The GOVERN function centers on establishing and maintaining the organization’s overall cybersecurity risk management approach. It offers guidance on setting clear expectations, policies, and strategy. Key to this function is its role in ensuring that cybersecurity considerations are integrated into the broader enterprise risk management strategy, encompassing elements like organizational context, supply chain risks, roles, policies, and oversight mechanisms.

Purpose: IDENTIFY is all about understanding. It aims to pinpoint the current cybersecurity risk landscape the organization faces. This involves a deep understanding of all assets - from data, hardware, and software to personnel and facilities. By identifying these assets and their associated risks, organizations can prioritize their security efforts in alignment with their risk management strategy and broader governance.

Purpose: The PROTECT function's main goal is to minimize potential cybersecurity risks by implementing appropriate safeguards. It underscores the importance of ensuring assets are well-secured to mitigate the likelihood and aftermath of adverse cybersecurity events. This function encompasses several domains including awareness training, data security measures, identity management, platform security, and ensuring the resilience of technology infrastructures.

Purpose: DETECT focuses on the proactive identification and analysis of potential cybersecurity threats. Its primary aim is to enable organizations to swiftly spot anomalies or potential threats, ensuring timely responses to any indicators of breaches or attacks.

Purpose: Once a cybersecurity incident is detected, the RESPOND function springs into action. It provides the blueprint for how organizations should react to contain and manage the incident. This encompasses everything from initial incident management and analysis to communication, reporting, and mitigation strategies.

Purpose: The aftermath of a cybersecurity incident is where the RECOVER function comes in. Its primary focus is on restoring and rehabilitating assets and operations that might have been adversely affected. This entails not just a return to normal operations but also effective communication strategies during the recovery process.


This program strategy establishes a cohesive and robust approach to cybersecurity, integrating the best practices from two prominent frameworks. It aims to secure our digital landscape effectively, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our information assets. By adhering to this strategy, we fortify our defenses, respond to incidents promptly, and recover with resilience. Together, we create a culture of cybersecurity that safeguards our organization and its stakeholders.

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